
nbn® Availability a Factor for Home Buyers

December 21, 2016 9:07 am

nbn internet new homes
When Australians are making one of the biggest purchases of their life – a new home, it’s no longer about just looking for one with good schools, access to public transport or the reputation of a location. More home buyers are checking out internet connection to the property before they choose to sign on the dotted line, and it’s even influencing how much they offer.
With more people working from home and relying on the internet in daily life than ever before, along with the nbn® reaching more communities, fast internet connection is an essential investment for many.
Quality internet connection has quickly become a lifestyle staple and a deciding influence in where people are choosing to live, along with the price they’re willing to pay for their dream home.
Research conducted by the nbn® in their nbn® Ready Digital Campaign report showed that 80% of property seekers are prioritising a quality broadband service when selecting a home, with a majority ready to seek a lower price for a home without access to fast internet, and some buyers have no hesitations in turning away from a property altogether if the connection isn’t up to their standards.
21% of home buyers surveyed had no hesitation with paying an extra $10,000 to secure a home with reliable broadband access, proving that being reliably connected to the internet is worth an extra financial investment for the peace of mind of knowing you can be connected at any time.
A further 58% were willing to pay up to $999 to ensure future access to the nbn® network­ — if presented with two identical properties, most buyers are automatically inclined to the one with stronger internet, even if this includes a price difference between the two.
nbnare rolling out internet services around Australia covering metro and large regional cities with fibre-optic internet services, nbn Fibre to the Node services, and regional and remote Australia with Fixed Wireless or Sky Muster satellite solutions. nbnplan to complete the rollout of fast internet solutions to the whole of Australia by 2020.
If you would like to see what internet services are available or coming to your area, or you are planning on making a move in the future, have a look at our Activ8me NBN rollout map or call Activ8me on 13 22 88 to find out more or get connected.

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