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Payment Assistance Policy

March 28, 2024 2:58 pm


Activ8me has a Payment Assistance Policy in place to assist our customers in times of financial difficulty.

You have the right to apply for short-term or long-term assistance that will maintain your services and ease your financial burden.

This assistance is free of charge.

This is a summary of our Policy. Full policy is here

Residential and small-business customers with difficulty paying bills may be entitled to special arrangements for charges they cannot immediately afford to pay.

Options to help manage your financial difficulty include:

  • Payment plans;
  • Delaying scheduled payments;
  • Service restrictions; and
  • Spending caps

‘Financial Hardship’ involves being unable to meet the financial obligations with us due to: illness, loss of employment, domestic or family violence, cost of living pressures, family circumstances changes, bereavement, income reduction, natural disasters, unexpected events, or other challenges affecting your financial circumstances.

Our contact details

Discuss payment assistance in the following ways:

Phone: 13 22 88 (Select the Finance option)
Available: Weekdays, 8:00am – 5:00pm AEST/AEDT
Fax: 03 9484 3875
Post: 279 Dundas Street, Preston, VIC 3072

Application Process

First complete an application through the Payment Assistance form below or contact us.

We may require further information depending on your circumstances.

We’ll be flexible when assessing your application, as every situation is different.

Assessment will involve the following:
Step 1: Submit your application.
Step 2: We’ll review your application and may ask for supporting evidence
Step 3: Your application will be assessed.
Step 4: We’ll work with you to agree upon a suitable arrangement.
Step 5: We’ll notify you of the agreed arrangement and request confirmation.
Once an arrangement is confirmed, we’ll not take any credit management action while you’re complying.

We’ll promptly inform you if we determine you don’t meet the criteria for an assistance arrangement.

Current or previous customers can lodge a complaint seeking review of a Payment Assistance application. We’re committed to a swift resolution of all complaints, under our Complaints Handling Process.

We’ll assist you if you require help with your complaint. Lodging a complaint won’t prevent you from agreeing an arrangement for financial assistance with us.

Lodge a Complaint:

Phone: 13 22 88
Weekdays 8am – 8pm, Weekends 8am – 5pm AEST/AEDT
Fax: 03 9484 3875
Post: Activ8me Complaints Department,
279 Dundas Street, Preston Vic 3072

If you’re not happy with the way your complaint was addressed, you can make a complaint to the Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman (TIO) at or by calling 1800 062 058.

We will not cancel your service for the sole reason that you were unable to resolve the complaint directly with us and pursued options for external dispute resolution.

Contacting Local Financial Counsellor

National Debt Helpline is a not-for-profit service that helps people tackle debt problems. Their financial counsellors offer a free, confidential service. When you call them, you will be connected to the service in your State or Territory.
Phone: 1800 007 007 (Monday – Friday 9:30am – 4:30pm)

Activ8me will work with any Counsellor nominated and authorised by you


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I wish to apply for a payment assistance arrangement with Activ8me.


  1. Only an Activ8me customer, their Authorised Representative, or an Advocate may submit this application.
  2. If an Authorised Representative or an Advocate is submitting this application on behalf of an Activ8me customer, please provide your name, contact details and relationship to the customer in the ‘Reasons for requesting Payment Assistance’ field.
  3. In the same section, clearly identify each invoice that presents payment difficulties including the date, invoice number and amount.
  4. Refer to Activ8me's Payment Assistance Policy for more information on qualifying circumstances, the process we will follow to assess the application and keep you informed.

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