
Exploring the Possibilities of Big Data in Farming

February 22, 2017 4:59 pm

With new information systems such as Big Data, the Australian agriculture industry is teeming with possibilities with real time insights on production.
One of the most recent and biggest developments in farming is the use of data-driven technologies, also used across different business industries.
According to Riverine Herald, Jonathan Dyer, a Nuffield Australia scholar, the concept of merging computers and digital technology with farming is intriguing. He believes that it can enhance the agricultural sector of Australia.

‘‘I could see digital technology coming into farming in Australia, and I realised that very few farmers have the technology background that I do, having studied and worked in IT.”

Dyer, a scholar sponsored by the Rural Finance Corporation, made a study regarding what “Big Data” can bring to improve farm practices, profitability, and its overall impact on agriculture.
Mr Dyer’s study found him travelling to different countries, comparing data and finding ways to improve.

“We’ve been collecting various forms of data on our farm for more than a decade, but we’ve hardly been using it.”

Dyer says ‘Big Data’ will play a large role in the years to come, as it can help farmers analyse different aspects of farming such as crop yields, temperature and even irrigation levels.
The advent of smart farming isn’t possible without an Internet connection, serving as a vital backbone for real time data transmission and processing. Fortunately, internet access and its coverage are now being made more accessible to farmers through the efforts of the National Broadband Network’s (nbn®) satellite internet and nbn® Fixed wireless broadband technologies.
With proper utilisation of “Big Data,” farming and the agri industry as a whole – will be provided with valuable insights to aid them in making informed decisions to manage and improve crop or livestock yield.
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