
Are you suffering from Wi-Fi interference?

March 23, 2015 10:24 pm


Man’s dependence on technology has grown steadily over the years. Now, everyone needs to get connected and to stay connected online. Wi-Fi is one of the advanced resources many of us cannot live out. That’s why having a good Wi-Fi connection is important to sustain online activities and to make sure none of it gets interrupted.
However, that’s not always the case and many still suffer from having to endure poor Wi-Fi at home and at work. What are the factors that contribute to this issue, and how do you fix it?
Internal interference – a poorly designed network with access points inside the property that are not properly configured or positioned can interfere with one another.
External interference – likewise, Wi-Fi signals have no recognition of concrete. That means interference can also come from external sources, such as the neighbour’s Wi-Fi.
Natural obstacles – environmental factors also play a role in signal disruption. Outdoor networks are prone to getting impacted negatively by water in the leaves of trees and the like.
Major concentrated bodies of water – the presence of large concentrations of water can absorb RF signals and kill it in the process.
Quality of signal – a strong signal is not always a quality signal.
Tall ceilings – anything more than 35 feet from the ground and access point issues may be encountered.
Overloading – multiple devices using the Wi-Fi can affect connectivity negatively.

Related: Sign of Wi-Fi Intrusion

Multiple frequencies – various devices running on different frequencies can clash and compete with Wi-Fi signals that are in coexistence.
Signal type – the incorrect signal type for the intended Wi-Fi usage can mean diminished connectivity.
Surface type – reflective surfaces affect radio waves and adversely impact coverage.
To solve these top ten causes of Wi-Fi connectivity disruptions, factors such as internal and external interference must be taken into consideration and properly planned for even before setup. Obstacles must be determined for outdoor installations, and proper testing needs to be done to identify possible sources of signal quality problems.
Indoor areas with high ceilings need to be inspected and assessed in order to find the correct mounting or antenna for the job. The number of users must also be taken into account, especially when they are expected to be connected all at the same time. It is also crucial to decide between the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi signal that is lower in capacity, but is not vulnerable to loss of power, AND the 5GHz signal which packs a more powerful punch, but may require more access points to limit attenuation.
Finally, surfaces and fixtures made of reflective materials need to be identified to determine whether it will have a positive or diminishing effect on Wi-Fi signals.
NBN broadband plans are already available in many regions. Home and business owners can take advantage of fast download and upload speeds by ensuring their Wi-Fi routers are working in top condition.

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