
Virtual Reality Tech You Can Expect Soon

February 26, 2016 4:45 am

Virtual reality (VR) technology hits a milestone this year as it finally gets the chance to shine on a consumer level, with buzz at this year’s Consumer Electronics Show (CES) held in Las Vegas in January, where more than forty gaming and virtual reality exhibitors showcased the latest in tech developments that will serve as catalysts for a smarter future.
There is great enthusiasm for VR enterprise applications, which can create incredible 3D environments that stimulate the imagination and enable users to have an active participation and immersion in the virtual world. Gesture controllers allow the user to have greater control over the virtual experience.
Here are some of the virtual reality enabled devices that you can expect very soon in the market: 

Oculus Rift  

Scheduled to arrive in stores this March 2016, the Oculus Rift is a new virtual reality headset designed to capture imaginations and blow minds. It allows users to step inside and simulate their favorite games. This much-anticipated gadget is expected to deliver an uncompromised VR experience and completely immerse the user in the virtual world. Oculus VR, the newly acquired subsidiary of Facebook Inc. has announced that the Rift virtual reality headset will have a retail price of $599. To operate, it would require a powerful graphics card (NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD R9 290) and a fast computer processor (Intel i5-4590), and at least 8 gigabytes of available RAM. The Oculus Rift has a built-in head mounted display, headphones, microphone, and a stand-alone sensor for tracking the peripheral remote so the user can control the virtual reality interface.

HTC Vive

The HTC Vive is an upcoming room scale VR headset display that is being co-produced by HTC and Valve Corporation as part of its SteamVR project. HTC Corp. is a Taiwanese smartphone and tablet manufacturer and best known for its Steam PC gaming storefront and science fiction digital video games. The Vive needs a powerful PC to operate its VR technology and is designed to display images with a speed rate of 90 frames per second. Pre-orders for the HTC Vive starts February 29 and it will be available in April 2016 costing $799. The HTC Vive hardware bundle comes with 2 controllers, the Lighthouse base stations, ear buds, and copies of the games Job Simulator: The 2050 Archives and Fantastic Contraption.

Samsung Gear VR

The Samsung Gear VR is a smartphone-based virtual reality headset developed in part by Oculus, which enables a Samsung Galaxy smartphone owner to snap in their device and enjoy an immersive experience in playing video games or watching movies. It costs $99, making it a budget-friendly tech investment and ideal for Samsung mobile phone owners. It has a lightweight design, wide facial interface, flexible padding, and fits over most glasses. Its intuitive touchpad drops you right into the action for you to enjoy hours of immersive gaming entertainment and socialize with friends in the virtual world.

Playstation VR (PSVR)

The Playstation VR will be available mid 2016. Known previously by its codename “Project Morpheus,” this device easily connects to a PlayStation 4 video game system for immersive gaming and VR experiences. It supports multiplayer gaming and is capable of simultaneously rendering two separate displays – one display for the headset and a different display for the television. It’s a more affordable option for current console owners and PS4 users who are estimated to be around 36 million all around the world. Sony has the opportunity to cut down the PSVR price since it will be used with existing PS 4 consoles and generate more sales for the popular gadget. Its release date and cost will still be announced.
Virtual reality technology has arrived and will be a real thing in people’s homes. The pressing need for consumers to experience deeper and more meaningful experiences can now be augmented through virtual reality. VR consumer technology is incredibly exciting and profound as reality will never be the same.
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