
Victoria joins list of NBN broadband rollouts

October 30, 2014 10:39 pm

The National Broadband Network (NBN) added some 6,400 homes and businesses across Victoria in this month’s roll out schedule.

This covers a total of 4,600 premises along the fixed line footprint, including parts of Melbourne and the North East regions that have already been prepped for construction.

Similarly, physical construction has already begun along premises outside the metropolitan area, where fixed wireless facilities will soon deliver fast NBN broadband to more than 1,800 farms, homes, and businesses.

nbn rollout

This month, NBN added new areas to its fixed line build preparations. West Footscray and Footscray are among the areas included in the preparations in the Greater Melbourne region, with Shepparton, Shepparton North, and Grahamvale included in the North East region.

Meanwhile, fixed wireless work has commenced in the North East regions of Longwood and Oxley, Gippland’s Hazelwood South, Bass, Garfield (surrounds), and Yanakie North, Grampian’s Willaura, and Barwon South West’s Dunkeld.

Furthermore, NBN Co’s website features an interactive rollout map that shows another 10,500 premises, moving from preparation activities to physical construction in the areas of West Footscray, Tottenham, Melton West, Werribee, and Wyndham Vale in the Greater Melbourne region, and Shepparton in the North East.

It takes an average of 12 months from the beginning of construction until NBN broadband services from phone and Internet providers are made available to residents and business owners.

“More families and businesses in Victoria are a step closer to being able to enjoy the benefits of fast and reliable broadband, which can deliver improved access to e-health resources, online education, teleworking opportunities and entertainment on demand. For families in rural and regional communities in particular, NBN broadband provides access to internet speeds and capacity that many in the big cities take for granted,” NBN Co spokesperson Corrie Withers said.

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