
Types of Aussie Broadband You Can Choose From

December 16, 2013 6:52 pm

 Aussie Broadband

With NBN infrastructures close to its completion, it is time to direct one’s attention on the types of Aussie broadband plans that a consumer can choose from. After all, with 354,793 premises in Australia already NBN-ready, the choice to upgrade to an NBN broadband connection is looming.
Fibre Broadband
Fibre broadband is internet connection delivered through fibre optic cables. It is targeted that 93% of the Aussie population will connect to the internet via fibre. It is also deemed the next generation broadband technology that can provide download speeds of up to 100 Mbps and upload speeds of up to 40 Mbps. It uses digital signals that transmit data from the exchange to the computer and the other way around. Your choice to upgrade to the NBN fibre is up to you. However, in areas where NBN fibre is installed, almost all copper wires will be replaced with a fibre optic network.
Fixed Wireless
It is targeted that 4% of the Aussie population will be connected through fixed wireless because Australia is too big to be connected solely using fibre optic cables. In a fixed wireless broadband, radio communications are fed to an outdoor antenna, which is connected to a Network Termination Device or NTD found inside the home. The NTD is connected also to another antenna that sits within the household’s premises.
Comparing fixed wireless broadband with a mobile version, the former is a lot more consistent and stable than the latter. Moreover, since the roll out of this kind of broadband connection is delivered to a fixed number of premises, there are no peak hours to be alarmed about or any inconsistencies felt in the quality of the connection.
Satellite Broadband
The 3% of the Aussie population left in the NBN footprint will be connected to the World Wide Web through satellite broadband. For residents in the regional areas or in territories that cannot be reached by terrestrial towers, a connection to the internet via satellite is the best solution. It offers peak speeds of 12 Mbps for download and 1 Mbps for upload. It requires the installation of a satellite dish outdoors and a modem indoors.
A connection via satellite is the last resort for residents in the regional areas. Despite the latency issues and the expensive price tag for the purchase or rental of satellite broadband equipment, it is a reliable means to connect to the web since it remains unperturbed regardless of power outages or the weather conditions.
If you want to know what Aussie broadband fits you best, know the types of NBN broadband that are available in your area. If your current internet service provider is a retail service provider of the NBN Co., inquire about your options and the steps you need to take from there.


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