
Turnbull helps launch "Parliamentary Friends of the Internet"

September 23, 2015 10:18 pm


Parliamentary Friends of the Internet, a new bipartisan group which aims to promote the substance and value of the Internet is being launched with the aid of Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull and shadow minister Jason Clare.
The launching of the group took place at Parliament House in Canberra last September 8. In attendance were MPs and senators from both sides of politics.
According to the founder and CEO of Internet Australia, Laurie Patton, the group was founded to bring people together in an information exchange which aims to develop greater awareness of how important the Internet is.
Mr. Patton, formerly a journalist and TV executive, called on the government and the opposition for sponsorship of a Digital Future Forum to make sure Australia turns into a leading player in the rising digitally-enabled economy.
He said regardless of the technology in use, the ever-present fast broadband is necessary to allow the country to contend in today’s digitally-enabled global economy.
Mr. Patton also considers an informed debate to be essential in determining how trust in the Internet and the oversight of Internet governance can be maintained, particularly the laws affecting the Internet made by the parliaments.
In recent years, technology policy has grown to be an extremely politicised issue in the country, with the Coalition building a profoundly different multi-technology NBN from Labor’s all-fibre plan.
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