
The Return of Offshore Call Centres to Australia

March 22, 2016 6:09 am

Call Centre
Offshore call centre jobs are returning to Australia, with customers continuing to raise concerns. Various small business consumers have strong feelings about the way that call centre representatives from abroad answer their calls and many prefer speaking to Aussies in local call centres, providing great service and helping to  keep jobs in the country.
Dramatic innovations in technology have increased ways of customer interactions, as well as driving down costs, creating major opportunities for businesses to get ahead of the competition and find better modes of engaging with customers. These developments have enabled several Australian enterprises to reverse the off shore trend and bring the centre back home.
According to the IT Brief, more than 3,800 contact centres in Australia provide jobs to more than 250,000 people. They are efficient and add value to local companies and their customers. Though there are some minor business functions that can go off shore, core processes are better accomplished in Australia, such as those requiring local knowledge and end-to-end service capabilities, like handling vital telecommunication calls.
Although outsourcing overseas may seem cost-effective at times, there are additional costs involved in signing a contract across international boundaries. In contrast, outsourcing in Australia can be cheaper when both labour costs and productive qualities are considered. For example, Indian companies base their value comparisons with the United States, but in Australia business costs are lower, especially in rural and regional areas. Furthermore, the country has a strong, service-based economy and the workforce has a high sense of accountability.
Local businesses can have a positive impact on customer satisfaction by employing a dedicated Aussie-run call centre to handle your calls to ease your personal customer service responsibilities and save a lot of money in the process. Through this, you can have more time to run your business better, make your customers happier, and make your country prouder.
The advancement in telecommunications technology and Internet connectivity is one of the driving forces in the country’s economic growth. Proudly Australian-owned, Activ8me has grown to be one of Australia’s largest satellite Internet broadband providers, and an acknowledged expert in remote and rural communications technology. It also works with the Australian Government’s Indigenous Communications Program to improve remote indigenous community access to essential telecommunications services.
To connect to fast and reliable Internet, call our 100% Australian Call Centre on 13 22 88. Whether it’s a sales or support query, rest assured you’ll speak to an Aussie every time.

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