
The Golden Age of Glass

September 8, 2013 10:24 pm


In contrast to what most people think, Specialty glass is a lot stronger and more stable.

In contrast to what most people think, Specialty glass is a lot stronger and more stable.

Everything made of glass? Do you think that’s really possible?
The popularity  of laptops and tablets continues to increase, pushing PC over the ledge. Plus the rise of touch computing  is dumping more and more slow, bulky desktop computers into the tech grave. The IDC (Intl. Data Corp) could bring more bad news for PC as it is projected to decline by 7.8% in 2013.
Tech Scuffle
Now, it seems laptops and tablets might be facing another face off, but this time, with Specialty glass technology. Here we go again. Technological evolution. Survival of the fittest. Natural selection.
Will it be the death knell that tech punditry is drumming about?
Specialty glass is new  brighter, more detailed and larger than life displays that require well-built and purer glass. In contrast to what most people think, Specialty glass is a lot stronger and more stable. It’s also transparent and impermeable, making it a perfect partner for mobile electronics in an ever connected world.
Strong Points 

  • Can bear up a shocking amount of pressure. It can theoretically withstand strength of 10 gigapascals, equivalent to 10,000 elephants stacked on top of it. 
  • Uses sleeker, damage-resistant and lighter-weight material featuring touch technology. With ultra-fast and high quality broadband, highly engineered glass opens greater possibilities, pushing glass technology to its optimum potential.

Know how stable a sheet of glass is? To create a visible sag in the thickness of a glass window, it would take 20 trillion times the age of the earth!
Here’s an astounding video. Watch your day in 2020..


Do you want to live in the digital era of Glass?

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