
Study: Aussie Teens Use Internet Regularly

March 10, 2016 7:50 am

The Australian Communications and Media Authority and the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner joint research highlights the significance of the Internet as “an integral part of the lives of young people in Australia, with most going online regularly to learn, keep in touch with friends, and have fun.” The dramatic emergence of mobile smart phones and wireless hotspots have influenced the rapid surge in the number of Aussie teens who frequently go online. The report also describes how Australian younglings are engaging on the web, the devices and connections that they use, as well as the online activities that they mostly prefer.
Demographics and Key Indicators 
Based on the said report, 935,000 or 82% of all Aussie teens went online last year compared to 74% four years prior.  More than 86% of them have access to Internet broadband at home, which is the most likely place for them to visit the web, with 98% of Internet users connecting from where they dwell.
Figure 1: Key Indicators of Aussie Teens Online, June 2015
Teen snapshot
Devices for Web Access
Aussie teens use different devices to access the web. Over 80% of of them has prefered to use a smartphone since June 2015. Tablets are also becoming popular among teenagers with a 39% usage. On the other hand, the percentage of teens who access the Internet using mobile phones and desktop computers has remained unchanged. More kids now prefer to use multiple screens instead of just once device. About 52% of them use two different devices, while 30% use three or more devices to surf online and would change devices depending to where or when they can connect.
Figure 2: Popular Devices for Teens Online
Teen snapshot
Access Points for Internet Use
Most Aussie teenagers still access the Internet while they are at home (98%). Outside of their residences, they go online through various channels. The use of wireless hotspot has grown dramatically among teens, which has more than doubled from 2011 to 2015.
Figure 3: Internet Acess Outside Home
Teen snapshot
Preferred Online Activities
Australian teens regularly stay online for a wide array of activities. The ACMA June 2015  report shows a significant increase in the number of teens who prefers video and audio streaming, in contrast to downloading activities which decreased. The report reveals that 6 in 10 online teens stream videos on popular websites, while downloading content drops from 51% to 40%. Emailing remains a popular form of communication with 78% among teens accessing mail. Digital life is also rapidly growing among the young people in Australia as revealed  in the increased diversity of their online preferred activities.
Figure 4: Teen Online Activities
Teen snapshot
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