
Sky Muster® II Satellite to Launch 5th October 2016

August 2, 2016 7:38 am

The nbn® Sky Muster® II is set for launch this coming 5th of October to expand its Internet service. It will provide additional support for around 400,000 homes and businesses in rural, regional, and remote Australia.
Just like its predecessor last year, Sky Muster® II will take off from the French Guiana Space Centre in South America, and will orbit at 36,000 km above the earth. Sky Muster® II, weighing in at 6,400 kgs, is one of the world’s largest communications satellites.
According to, the nbn® weekly progress report shows that as of the 14th of July, there were 411,056 who could receive Internet via the nbn® satellite, however just 40,714 are actually paying for a service. This compares with 2,916,247 total premises capable of getting an nbn® service and 1,134,787 who actually do.
In preparation for the forthcoming launch, the nbn® has revealed the first glimpse of the artwork that will be printed on the nosecone of the rocket, which will launch Sky Muster® II into orbit. Representing the millions of people in every corner of Australia who will be connected to the nbn® network, the mosaic-style image is made up of more than 700 lucky Australians who won the chance to include an image of their faces on this historic piece of national infrastructure.
Satellite architect Julia Dickinson said, so far 10,000 Australian homes had their service installed using the Sky Muster® satellite system as reported in

“The two satellites will make up the full system and allow 400,000 people in the satellite footprint to be connected. We have plenty of capacity there on that first satellite, but this second satellite will allow us to complete the system.”
“This will make a difference in people’s lives and help them to participate the way people in the cities do. There is a network of 10 ground stations across Australia, that beam a signal to some of Australia’s most remote parts.
Everyone in Australia will have access to the nbn® under one of the technologies. No matter where you are, you’ll have the nbn® offered to you in some form. If you’re in  satellite area you’ll be able to access that now.”

Subscribe to Sky Muster plans and enjoy fast and reliable Internet broadband that best suit your needs.
The nbn® Sky Muster® satellite brings better satellite Internet connectivity to regional Australia. To get onboard Sky Muster®, call Activ8me today 13 22 88 or visit:
image courtesy of nbnco

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