
NBN Sky Muster® II Satellite crowdsourcing aussie photos for orbit collage

June 8, 2016 11:24 pm

sky muster satellite photo orbit contest
As the Sky Muster® II satellite is scheduled for launch later this year, the nbn® has recently concluded a contest that crowdsourced for Aussie photos that will head for the stars together with the rocket.
The ‘Blast Your Face Into Space’ contest aimed at offering a lucky group of winners the chance to have their photos at the nose front of the second Sky Muster®. A collage will be created out of the winning high resolution photographs of up to 1,210 Australians and will be used to decorate the rocket’s nose cone.
Interested participants were asked to upload a mug shot picture of their face and provide an imaginative reason why their photos should be chosen to head for the stars. They also had to share their thoughts on how the access to fast Internet through the nbn® could benefit them. The nationwide entries will be judged on the basis of creativity and suitability.
This is the second time the nbn® has run a competition like this. The first one was a national drawing competition last year that asked children to draw how the satellite would help Australia.

“Last year, seven-year-old Bailey Brooks from a cattle station outside of Alice Springs won the opportunity to name the first nbn® satellite and have her drawing printed on the nose cone of the rocket which launched it into space,”

-nbn® satellite architect Julia Dickinson, reported in

“This year, we are going one step further with the unique opportunity for people to submit photos which will be collated into a national portrait of our country. We are making history and we want to invite all Australians to be a part of it,”

Activ8me, the nbn® satellite experts, can help rural communities get connected to fast Sky Muster plans  and provide the best deals for your area. Sky Muster® provides better user experience over existing satellite technologies.
The nbn® Sky Muster® satellite brings better satellite Internet connectivity to regional Australia. To get on-board Sky Muster, call Activ8me today 13 22 88 or visit:

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