
Setting up your home office: Going wireless

January 5, 2015 9:34 pm

Going Wireless

Image from Arabian Industry

Flexibility is just one of the many perks of working from home. There are many benefits to be enjoyed out of this kind of setup. But, there could also be some roadblocks that could get in the way of productivity. The key is to plan ahead and to invest in the right equipment to get the job done. Here’s how to go wireless in your home office.

  1. Measure the scope of the project.

Count the devices you have at home that you wish to connect to the wireless network. Some possibilities include your:

  • Personal Computer
  • Laptop
  • Tablet
  • Mobile phone/smartphone
  • TV

Other devices that you use on a daily basis or those that are vital to your work could be included in the list. Once done, you will be able to assess how extensive your Wi-Fi network should be.

  1. Get in touch with your ISP.

You will need to set up a modem and a router. Internet Service Providers (ISPs) usually offer these in bundle. Ask your chosen ISP for advice concerning the Wi-Fi router that they would recommend for the kind of work that you do, as well as the number of devices you will be connecting to the network. There is a variety of NBN Wireless Plans, so don’t forget to ask about its availability in your location, too.
Remember that even with the best performing Wi-Fi routers, your network can still get congested if you connect too many devices, so prioritise the ones you absolutely need to run your business and ask your ISP about their recommended number of devices to be connected.

  1. Invest in devices that communicate well with one another.

Printers and hard drives also have the capability to go wireless – meaning you can print and access files remotely. Sound impressive? Yes, but only if you shop wisely. The best way to ensure your devices will perform well, both individually and together, is to ask for advice before you buy.
There are printers and hard drives that have built-in wireless options, but there are others that still require a cable to connect to the network.
You have a world of options when it comes to setting up a wireless network in your home office. With research and professional advice, there is no reason for you to get intimidated with the process. Simply follow these three easy steps and you too can soon enjoy your own wireless office at home.

  1. Needs assessment
  2. ISP consultation
  3. Device investment
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