
ACT residents most internet savvy

April 27, 2016 12:35 am

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) residents are the most internet savvy among the rest of the people in the subcontinent according to the recent Australian Bureau of Statistics report. ACT is the haven of the most active, Internet-connected citizens in the country.
According to the Canberra Times ACT News, around 96.8% of Canberrans are regularly online using their desktop and laptop computers, while 87% have access through their mobile devices. Due to their centralised population, 94% of Canberrans enjoy Internet connection at home, which is higher than the national average of 86%.
This is the first time that the bureau utilised its Household Use of Information Technology to measure the time that people spend online. The study reveals that those residing in ACT spend an online average of 11 hours per week more than other the states and territories. Kids and teenagers are the most frequent Internet users. Around the country, 97% of homes with children under 15 are connected to the Internet, in contrast to 82% of homes without children under the same age. Last year, the number of Australian households with access to the Internet from their homes has increased to 7.7 million or 86% of all households nationwide.
Top Reasons for Internet Access
During the survey, Internet users were polled to select their primary activities for the last 3 months. The most popular online activities are the following: Banking (72%), Social Networking (72%), Purchasing Goods or Services (61%), and Entertainment (60%). The highest Internet usage was attributed to the younger age groups or persons under the age of 35. Teens who are
15 to 17 years old usually  went online for social networking (91%) and formal education activities (73%).
Top Goods for Online Purchases
From 2014 to 2015, about 9.7 million Internet users have purchased goods and services regularly online. Here are the top three most purchased product groups, namely: music, movies, electronic games or books (50%); clothes, cosmetics or jewellery (46%); and tickets or bookings for entertainment events (45%).
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