
Report finds NBN Fixed Wireless Service as Global leader

August 2, 2015 10:10 pm

nbn wireless regional
The NBN Fixed Wireless network, providing services to rural and regional Australia, will help close the digital divide between city and country. It will also bring fresh opportunities at affordable prices – according to a new Ericsson-commissioned report conducted by Ovum Research.
Fixed Wireless Broadband: A Global Comparison was published in July 2015. The findings revealed that in comparison with the performance of 21 other overseas wireless broadband providers, nbn service is world-leading.
The report found Australians who are already on NBN Fixed Wireless Broadband are getting substantially faster speeds and higher data allowances from Retail Service Providers (RSPs) than other users around the world. In addition, it shows not a lot of other operators can match the NBN’s 50-20Mbps maximum wholesale speed, which is an ongoing nationwide pilot.
nbn® Chief Bill Morrow released a statement expressing delight over the report. He said the findings are reflected in the high satisfaction rate among end-users receiving reliable performance from the network.
The competitive plans offered by the many RSPs across Australia also play an important role in providing NBN Fixed Wireless services to customers who now have access to incredible speeds, high data allowances, and new opportunities in the business, education, and entertainment sectors.

Some of the highlights from the report are as follows:

  • The NBN fixed wireless network data offer is at least three times higher compared to its next best international peer located in the Philippines, PLDT.
  • NBN’s price/GB is 75% cheaper for its existing 25Mbps/5Mbps wholesale speed tier product compared to its next best value competitor located in Czech Republic, T-Mobile.
  • NBN’s wholesale upload speed performance for its current pilot-stage 25/50-5/20Mbps wholesale speed tier product will be higher by about 33% compared to its next best competitor located in Ireland, Meteor.

Toward the end of its network rollout, the National Broadband Network will have over 600,000 fast broadband-ready premises via the fixed wireless network. To date, more than a third of those premises have already been completed, with over 48,000 homes and businesses already connected.
Article originally published as: Report names nbn fixed wireless service a world leader

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