
Power Outage Hits NBN Satellite Service Last Sunday

September 8, 2014 5:56 am

Australians who are using National Broadband Network Satellite service were unable to go online for numbers of hours last Sunday after a power outage which hits the ground station of NBN Co in Western Australia.

>Around 8:33am AEST Sunday, when the issue began and left 25,000 subscribers across Australia without internet connections. Spoke person of the NBN said that 15,000 of the affected connection were restored around 9:18am. The remaining affected area in Western Australia suffered without internet connection for almost eight hours. These 10,000 remaining subscribers were restored by 4:18pm.

Satellite WA

It was confirmed by NBN Co that the issue was caused by power interruption at a satellite ground station managed by IP Star Kalgoorlie WA.

The other 23,000 customers that are using NBN Satellite was not affected last Sunday outage as they rely on the ground stations in Sydney and Broken Hill.

NBN Co provides an “interim” satellite service to 48,000 Australians that was distributed by retail service provider like Activ8me.

To cover more Australians without fixed-line access, NBN Co plans to launch 2 new satellites in 2015 that will cover remote areas.

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