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Whistleblower Policy

January 20, 2020 2:21 pm

Australian Private Networks Pty Ltd (Activ8me) is committed to the highest standards of conduct and ethical behaviour, integrity and good corporate governance. Activ8me is also committed to protecting whistleblowers.

Prior to submitting a Whistleblower Report, please read the full Whistleblower Policy which aims to:

  • ensure Activ8me complies with applicable laws and practices and maintains the highest standards of ethical behaviour and integrity;
  • define who can make a protected disclosure (Whistleblowers);
  • define matters about which a protected disclosure can be made (Reportable Conduct);
  • identify who can receive a protected disclosure;
  • encourage the reporting of Reportable Conduct through appropriate channels;
  • establish a process for Activ8me to deal with reports from Whistleblowers;
  • ensure Activ8me protects the identity (including the disclosure of information that could lead to the identity) of a Whistleblower;
  • provide for the secure storage of the information provided by Whistleblowers under Activ8me’s processes; and
  • protect Whistleblowers against detrimental conduct


Click Here (To Download Whistleblower Policy – Australian Private Networks Pty Ltd)


This form should be used to report any information that you have reasonable grounds to suspect concerns Reportable Conduct. If you are unsure as to whether conduct is Reportable Conduct, please refer to the APN Whistleblower Policy (Policy).

Please note that the information you submit with this form will be forwarded on to one of the Whistleblower Protections Officers named in the Policy.

If a Whistleblower makes a report of Reportable Conduct in accordance with the Policy:

  • Activ8me will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Whistleblower will not be disadvantaged for the act of making such a report;
  • the Whistleblower can remain anonymous and still receive protection; and
  • the Whistleblower will not necessarily be absolved from the consequences of their involvement in any misconduct complained of.

Your details

If you wish to make an anonymous report, leave these fields blank. If you remain anonymous, please note that this may affect the extent to which Activ8me may effectively investigate your report.

Details of persons involved in Reportable Conduct

Please list below the details of the persons involved in the Reportable Conduct. If you do not know the details requested, provide any other information that may help us to identify the person.

Full Name

Organisation (e.g. Activ8me) and designation

Details of suspected Reportable Conduct

Please describe below the nature of the suspected Reportable Conduct. Where possible, please include specific dates and names of the people involved in any incidents.

Please describe where Activ8me may find any further evidence that would substantiate the Reportable Conduct.

Please attach any documents which may be considered as supporting evidence.


By submitting this form, you are requesting that Activ8me deal with and investigate your report in accordance with the Policy, as amended from time to time.

You agree that you have reasonable grounds to suspect that the information contained therein concerns Reportable Conduct.

You acknowledge that frivolous and vexatious reports and/or abuse of the process set out in the Policy are serious matters and may result in disciplinary action being taken against you, up to and including termination.

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