
Parenting Tips on Helping Your Child Make the Most of Distance Education

July 17, 2016 11:18 pm

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Whether it’s a traditional classroom setup or distance education, parents are essentially important in attaining academic success for their children. Schools cannot replace  the role of  parents. Parental guidance and involvement are necessary in children’s academic achievement and encouragement.

Here are some parenting tips to help your child make the most out of distance education:

Parents are parents.
Online teachers are not replacements for parenting or disciplining. Part of your parental duty is to enforce rules and raise your children according to educational principles. You are the first person who is in charge of your child’s education, not the school principals or teachers. Make your choices wisely.
Parents need to set goals.
Without clear and specific educational goals, your children will quickly give up and succumb to academic pressures. Before enrolling your children in distance education, parents need to set the course of your children’s career journey. You have to set goals as well as schedules to reach those goals. Make goals realistic and achievable and collaborate with your children and their teachers. Write down your goals, set expectations, and post them at home where your children can easily see them to serve as their inspiration.
Parents are coaches.
Although distance education provides online learning modules, they still require parents to be involved in helping their children understand the lessons. Parents also function as learning coaches. You need to assist in explaining concepts, helping with homework, arranging extracurricular activities, speaking with teachers, and enforcing study habits. Remember that the more hands-on the parent is, the more successful the student becomes.
Parents are role models.
You have the moral responsibility to model the proper behaviour that you want your online student to develop. Does your child see you working hard? Do you manifest grace under pressure in any stressful situation, or do you easily give up? Do you value positive attitude or have an anger management issue? Proper role modelling with your at-home student is even more apparent with online learning, since it allows you and your child to be in a closer proximity.
Parents have support.
You are not alone. You have the support of the accredited distance education provider and competent faculty. Never hesitate to use their valuable educational tools and online resources. You are welcome to phone, email, and message the teacher or faculty in charge, as well as school staff to utilise their support. You may also join parent support groups that are affiliated with your chosen e-learning provider in your area.
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