
Over the next 12 months, NBN Co plans to double its users.

September 7, 2014 10:45 pm

NBN CEO Bill Morrows wants to double the premises eligible for NBN connection. As of the end of June this year they completed 552,000 and wanted to double it up by the end of June next year.

Mr. Morrow said in Sydney last Thursday in their annual results announcement that they will extend the eligibility to one in 10 homes and businesses. NBN hits 210,000 active NBN users during the last financial year. 1.4 million Premises works had commenced and completed.

Mr Morrow said “We have stabilised the existing rollout, strengthened our relationships with our construction partners and are making significant headway in transforming the company,”

He mentioned that he is proud with the company’s affability in a political environment, which included 3 elections that left the NBN’s fate.

Coalition government wanted to have a mix of technologies which is the NBN fibre-to-the-node and hybrid fibre-coaxial, while Labor wanted the 93% of Australian premises to be connected to high-speed fibre cables.


The full year 2014 financial report is aiming to get the $61 million to $150 million in revenue during the 2015 fiscal year and to target 480,000 activated premises.

The company spent and recorded the $2.5 billion in capital expenditure and $1.1 billion in operating expenditure compared to the previous fiscal year $479 million for OpEx and $1.8 billion for CapEx.

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