
nbn®: Workforce of the Future Will Need Essential IT Skills

December 15, 2016 9:11 am

nbn future careers
IT related skills will be more essential than ever in careers starting 2019 and beyond.
According to a new report from ABC Australia,one in two jobs in the country will require high-level programming and/or IT skills within the next 15 years.
The report was commissioned by none other than the National Broadband Network (nbn®) and produced in collaboration with the Regional Australia Institute. The report suggests that IT’s role in the country’s job market has shifted dramatically.
This could be attributed to the rise in usage of apps and web developers, as well as AI interface programmers and data analysts. The research also said that by the time 2030 hits our shores, about 50 percent of employees would need to be skilled in programming, coding and software design.
The report claims Australia will ‘have a decrease in the number of lower skilled occupations [but] an increase in comparatively higher skilled and higher paid occupations”.
Jack Archer, chief executive for the Regional Australia Institute noted that the change is already happening and the education system and existing employees will need to adapt.

“You’ve got to think about the future. Your own ambitions, and whether you want to stay in an industry where there’ll be fewer jobs or whether there are other things you’d like to do with your life.”

-Jack Archer

He further suggested that in the span of two to five years, virtually all of Australia’s workforce would have to be IT proficient.
The NBN is supporting this future, with rollout in full steam, and a new nbn satellite internet platform which will provide a steady connection for rural and regional Australia in attaining IT skills through online training.
The future is coming and like all things, we need to adapt and ride the tides.
The nbn®‘s Sky Muster satellite brings better satellite internet connectivity to regional Australia. To get onboard Sky Muster, call Activ8me today 13 22 88 or visit:

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