
NBN Wireless roll out to Mildura set for next year

October 27, 2014 9:56 pm

The NBN roll out has successfully reached Mildura and surrounding areas. Jenny Grigg, chair of the NBN Mildura/ Wentworth committee, expressed excitement over the announcement of a 2015 NBN launch.

mildura development

Image from sunraysiadaily

“It will have enormous implications for our region in terms of health, education, access to services, transportation, business development, and much more,” Grigg said.

The NBN, in a ministerial announcement from Malcolm Turnbull, specified it will commence scoping exercises immediately, and will get input from local stakeholders with regards to its proposal. Afterward, the NBN will seek approval for developments moving forward, with works to initiate thereafter.

NBN’s proposal involves the roll out of fixed wireless from existing telecommunications towers at Mildura East, Mildura Airport, Merbein, and Kings Billabong.

Mildura Development Corporation chief executive Chris Crewther said that he was delighted to be made aware of NBN’s plans of building new fixed wireless  towers in the areas of Red Cliffs East, Red Cliffs South, Irymple, Merbein South, Nangiloc,  Cardross, Koorlong, and Wentworth. Furthermore, Mr. Crewther emphasized the social and economic benefits of NBN connectivity be it for attracting and retaining businesses, healthcare, education, or for growing the manufacturing sector.

In order to help reduce costs and help address black spots, it has been said that telecommunications providers will be given an offer to co-utilise these new towers once they are up.

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