
Transition to NBN complete in selected communities

October 29, 2014 9:59 pm

The transition to the National Broadband Network is about to reach its completion in parts of Scottsdale, Smithton, and Midway Point. Residents and businesses in these areas will be among the first in the country to experience the new technology.

Starting October 23, 2014, NBN services will gradually replace many of the residents’ and businesses’ existing landlines and Internet services.

nbn transition

Remaining residents in these communities who have not subscribed to receive the new services have been urged by NBN Co to place an order through their preferred Internet or phone service provider as soon as possible.

“By the time the rollout of the NBN is complete, every home, business, and community across Australia will have access to fast broadband, enabling us to benefit from an increasingly digital future. We are particularly urging people with special equipment including EFTPOS terminals, and medical and security alarms which operate using a landline phone connection to contact their preferred phone company and internet service provider immediately,” NBN Co spokesperson Lalla Mackenzie said.

Other parts of the country, including Mowbay, Newnham, Mayfield, Northern and Southern Tasmania, and many others have been announced by NBN Co this week as the locations where physical construction works have been started. This means an additional 7,600 homes and businesses will join the roster of many other communities that have been tapped to receive the network services.

The NBN roll outs have taken a momentum across Tasmania, where there are currently more than 24,400 homes and businesses already connected to the network, and an additional 40,000 premises across the state lined up for construction.

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