
nbn Sky Muster PRO Frequently Asked Questions

June 15, 2022 2:35 pm

nbn® Sky Muster® PRO FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Activ8me’s Exclusive Sky Muster Plans!

Activ8me has recently launched new nbn® Sky Muster® PRO plans, which offer Sky Muster users a better way to manage their data use through daily data allowances, instead of monthly allowances.

We devised these plans to try and solve some of the common frustrations Sky Muster users encounter, particularly finding themselves left without internet access (i.e. shaped internet access) when they’re monthly data allowance has been exhausted.

Below are answers to some of the most asked questions about Sky Muster PRO, as well as the differences compared to Sky Muster PLUS and standard Sky Muster plans.

What is Sky Muster® PRO?

Sky Muster® PRO plans are a new type of nbn® Sky Muster® satellite internet plan that gives you a daily data allowance instead of a monthly allowance.

On Sky Muster® PRO, you don’t have to worry about using up your entire month’s allocation of data in one sitting.

This guarantees you’ll have data available for use every single day.

Is Sky Muster PRO based on Sky Muster or Sky Muster PLUS?

Sky Muster® PRO plans are made using the Sky Muster (LTSS) Fair Use Policy (FUP) and the same rules apply as standard Sky Muster® plans.

This means there are no unmetered online activities, like users receive on Sky Muster PLUS.

When does my Sky Muster PRO data reset?

Daily data allowances on Sky Muster® PRO (both Peak and Off-Peak) reset at Midnight each night, based on your local time zone.

Does my Sky Muster PRO daily data roll-over?

No, daily data allowances don’t rollover to subsequent day(s).

How am I billed for Sky Muster PRO?

Sky Muster® PRO services are billed monthly, just like standard monthly internet plans. Despite a daily allowance, there’s only the same one price per month no matter how many days are in that month.

Do I Get Usage Notifications with Sky Muster PRO?

Yes! Each day you’ll receive usage notifications at 50%, 85% and 100% of your daily data use. We send both email and SMS notifications. SMS notifications only go out between 8am-8pm (local time).

Given the daily notifications on PRO may be too much, you can customise your usage notifications in the Members Area, where you can choose which of the notifications you want to enable or disable.

(Navigate into your ‘Service Details’ page, and look for ‘Activ8me Notifications’)

Our Sales team can also assist you in disabling or re-enabling usage notifications over the phone. Just give our Sales team a call on 132288.

Can I Use My Standard nbn Sky Muster Equipment with Sky Muster PRO?

Yes, all standard nbn® Sky Muster® equipment, including your router, can be used on Sky Muster® PRO plans.

Can I Use a Third-Party Router with Sky Muster PRO?

Yes! All Activ8me services are compatible with third party routers, as long as your router isn’t locked to your previous ISP (Internet Service Provider).

What’s the Speed Tier of Sky Muster® PRO?

Sky Muster® PRO is only available on the fastest, Sonic (25/5) tier.

What’s the Process to Changing to Sky Muster® PRO?

Switching to Sky Muster® PRO from Sky Muster® or Sky Muster® PLUS can be done over the phone or online by ordering through our website, just like changing to any other Sky Muster plan.

How Long Does It Take to Change over to Sky Muster® PRO?

The process is the same as doing a normal plan change or changing from another ISP, meaning the new plan tends to be up and running in only a few hours, but can take up to 48hrs to fully activate.

Is Sky Muster® PRO available from all nbn® Service Providers?

No, Sky Muster® PRO is only available from Activ8me – no other nbn® RSP or Sky Muster® RSP (Retail Service Provider) offers Gigabyte-Per-Day nbn plans.

What’s the difference between Sky Muster and Sky Muster PLUS?

Standard Sky Muster plans (including Sky Muster PRO) offer a larger data allowance for a comparable price to Sky Muster PLUS services, however on Sky Muster PLUS only video streaming and VPN use count towards your data use (called ‘metered’ data).

Depending on your individual data use and online activities, customers will find one service or the other will better fit their needs.

Activ8me offer great priced Sky Muster and Sky Muster PLUS plans, as well as our new Sky Muster PRO plans, with daily data allowances, that offer even more choice for Sky Muster customers.

Do I Get School Holiday Bonus Data on Sky Muster PRO?

Yes! Being based on standard Sky Muster plans, Sky Muster PRO plans do receive bonus daily data allocations during the school holiday periods.

It’s worth noting that because Sky Muster PRO has a daily data allocation, the daily School Holiday Data allocations also expire at the end of each day.

Does the Cost per month Change Based on How Many Days are in the Month?

No, the plan cost per month is the same for each calendar month.

What’s the Peak & Off-Peak Times on Sky Muster® PRO?

Off-Peak time is 1AM to 7AM and Peak time is 7AM to 1AM, based on your local time zone.

Do Sky Muster® PRO plans start straight away?

For new customers, the plan starts straight away. For existing Activ8me customers, the plan starts at the end of the existing billing term, unless an ASAP plan change is requested over the phone (where possible).

What are the advantages of Sky Muster® PRO?

  • Users don’t have to manage their monthly data allowance to ensure it last the whole month
  • Sky Muster® PRO enables every user to have a healthy daily data allowance and a guarantee that they will always have a data tomorrow
  • Sky Muster® PRO works great with a VPN!
  • Great for Students as they can’t download something and use their entire monthly data allowance
  • Great for Families as they can use the internet in the evening and still have data for work tomorrow
  • Great for Streamers – Watch your full data limit each night, every night.
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