
NBN to raise Sky Muster® Fair Use Policy

June 27, 2017 12:31 pm

fair use

The nbn® Co have today announced that they will be increasing their Sky Muster® Fair Use Policy as of October 1st, 2017.

The nbn®’s restrictions to their retail service providers (such as Activ8me) are set to increase. Peak data limits (used between the hours of 7am – 1am local time), will be raised by the nbn® to allow service providers to provide more data to their end users, with less shaping.
With over 70,000 end users connected, the notion of a FUP re-evaluation was raised at the senate estimate hearings, with nbn®’s Chief Customer Officer stating that the organisation intended on “reviewing […] whether with that capacity and the current performance we can release more and upgrade the fair use policy.
Currently, ISPs like Activ8me are forced to limit customers to an average of 30GB of peak data downloads every four weeks, averaged out over their customer base. The current average monthly usage sits at roughly 23GB a month across all ISP’s, but those in regional areas have adopted measures to protect their data.
Today’s increase by the nbn® will raise the average allowed to 45GB peak data, giving ISP’s the opportunity to grow available data in plans – Activ8me, as nbn®’s largest Sky Muster® provider, are currently working on outlining competitive plans for customers, and will release more information in the coming weeks.
This is a wonderful move forward for those on Sky Muster® services, with a higher data allowance allowing growth in opportunities for those in rural and regional areas of Australia, and a move towards bridging the gap between urban and remote data allowances – commonly spoken of as the ‘data drought’.
Activ8me will be regularly providing more information as received, making sure every Sky Muster® customer is informed and ready for the October 1st Fair Use Policy increase date, as set by the nbn®.
To sign up to nbn Sky Muster® today and make sure your home is connected and ready to enjoy more data, call Activ8me on 13 22 88.

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