
New NBN Team To Secure Network

May 11, 2017 3:16 pm

security nbn

NBN are preparing to transition from their role as creators, building the new network around Australia, into their future form as operators and managers of that network. The company has begun creating a new internal team to help establish themselves as a secure and consistent network as the inevitable change happens. This is especially important as they move to working alongside the ISP’s providing their network.

One of the newly advertised NBN positions is a GM of ‘security strategy, architecture and consulting’, with an entire team focused on the overall security of the large scale network, developing strategies and protocol to be rolled out across Australia.
A second manager will oversee and assist with the tasks, providing secondary quality control, and working with other teams within the nbn to deliver systems as required. This team will serve the purpose of not only protecting the assets produced over the rollout of the network, but will also assist in future-proofing it from any likely threats that could develop.
Interestingly, the NBN have said they will be emphasising ‘cyber hunt[ing]’ techniques to let them identify potential threats and eradicate them before damage can be caused. Many ISP’s such as Activ8me currently have their own levels of security to protect end users, but this is a situation where there is no such thing as too much.
The creation of this team is an essential move in reassuring Australians that NBN Co are capable of defending and protecting the NBN network once it’s rollout is complete and Australia becomes reliant on the multiple forms of technology. With the majority of Australia already connected to the services, this is also a time sensitive move to demonstrate that the company are aware of the security risks involved with the infrastructure, and are preparing to take responsibility in defending it.
Cyber-security is essential – every user should ensure they have working virus detection on their personal device to protect their information, and not click on any suspicious links or emails. Or, hire your own team to protect your digital safety – but this might be easier.

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