
NBN rollout progresses in New England

November 4, 2014 9:23 pm

nbn co

124 homes and businesses in some parts of Wallabadah will soon be connected to the NBN as fixed wireless construction has started in the area.

Residents and businesses along hundreds of premises in the New England Electorate and its surrounds will have access to faster Internet speeds soon. Federal Member for New England, Barnaby Joyce said the faster NBN rollouts may be attributed to the efforts of the Abbot Government.

After a 12-month period, phone companies and Internet providers will be able to connect their phone and Internet services to the NBN.

Active connections to the National Broadband Network (NBN) nationwide have doubled since the election.

“The NBN rollout is happening faster than ever since the Coalition Government took office and trials have started to test other technologies which will dramatically lower the cost and time it will take to deliver fast broadband to all Australians,” Mr Joyce said.

Upgrades are set to be delivered four years sooner than originally anticipated under Labour, and the government’s modifications to the NBN rollout will save $32 billion as well as Internet retail bill increases of up to $43 a month will be avoided.

NBN Co’s new rollout strategy prioritizes suburbs and towns with the worst broadband service.

To see the construction areas around Wallabadah, NBN has created detailed maps available at

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