
Study: NBN Rollout Could Facilitate IT Structure Reforms

July 3, 2016 10:09 pm

nbn it infrastructure
As the National Broadband Network (nbn®) construction rollouts gain full momentum with two million Australian premises now ready for service, businesses are experiencing better efficiency and productivity. The superconnectivity that the nbn® brings is paving the way for enterprises to upgrade their IT infrastructure in order to maximise the potentials of the modern network. Legacy systems need to be reformed to catch up with the constantly changing technology requirements.
The nbn® Advantage
The Australian Business Review reports that researchers from the University of Melbourne have predicted the nbn® can be instrumental in adding nearly $4 billion annually into the economy through small and medium businesses (SMBs) that take advantage of the nbn®.
The nbn® provides a greater connection that bridges distances, enabling Aussie businesses to better compete in the lucrative global trade and be at par with their counterparts. This brings them closer to their targets, boosts international collaboration, and allows access to new markets. These benefits are not exclusive to large businesses, but are also available to regional SMBs.
Importance of IT Infrastructure Modernisation
High speed network connection is most useful when the technologies that are operating on it are optimised for total performance. To ensure operations are running smoothly, a modernised broadband network needs a modernised IT infrastructure to support it.
This necessitates the implementation of modernisation programs for business IT infrastructures and the phasing out of outdated systems that hinder the benefits of faster Internet. An up to date and sustainable IT infrastructure can increase the company’s ability to engage in the digital economy and catch up to today’s increasingly borderless and competitive world.
Reviewing, analysing, and improving the business IT infrastructure and existing system practices are essential for corporate survival and competitiveness. SMB owners can begin with a storage area network assessment that provides easy-to-understand information about your data growth and usage, so you can manage your storage data needs effectively. Companies can then migrate from legacy systems to enterprise or shared services and cloud-based technologies that improve efficiency and provide significant cost savings.
Take advantage of the booming digital economy. A host of affordable nbn Internet plans is now available for subscription, driving businesses towards greater accessibility and higher productivity.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®. To check availability, go to our homepage then type your address in the “Get Deals” section or speak to our 100% Australian staff on 13 22 88.

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