
NBN restructure to meet changing climate of rollout

July 11, 2017 4:50 pm

As the National Broadband Network (nbn®) hits their rollout plan halfway mark, nbn® CEO Bill Morrow has announced the company will make changes to its corporate structure.
Morrow explained that the company is making its transition from “network build mode” to “network operate and optimisation”, as the rollout connects thousands of new premises each month.
By 2020, the nbn® is expecting 8 million active premises to be connected. Last month, the company  achieved their 5 million milestone, with over 2.2 million connected to an nbn® service.
With planned changes in play, Bill Morrow stated five points prompting the restructure:

  1. The NBN access network has passed the halfway built mark with the rollout on track to reach the 2020 completion date;
  2. Active end-users require a lift in experience quality across all touch points;
  3. Near one billion dollars of future annual revenue may come from the business segment and this requires a different market strategy to the residential segment;
  4. Network and IT technology is converging at a fast pace and needs an integrated approach to introduce new functionalities;
  5. NBN’s organisational model needs to evolve from build to operating and optimising, with a greater emphasis on customers — both RSP’s and the end-user.

There is a shakeup within the executive team, starting with nbn® chief customer officer John Simmon, retiring from his position to establish a Business Sales and Marketing department. Brad Whitcomb, current chief strategy and transformation officer of the nbn®, will assume the title of chief customer officer residential.
Current executive general manager of network engineering and deployment, Kathrine Dyer will be joining the executive committee as the chief network deployment officer to lead a new team in Network Deployment and Planning.
Current executive general manager corporate affairs, Karina Keisler will be joining the executive committee with a new station as the chief corporate affairs officer. Ms Keisler is expected to spearhead the company’s new “nbn® local” group whose aim is to “focused on national industry stakeholders and local relationships in remote and regional Australia”.
John McInerney, the nbn®’s chief information officer was been appointed as chief systems engineering officer and he will lead the systems engineering and operations, tasked in network delivery services.
Chief network operations officer, JB Rousselot was appointed chief strategy officer and will lead the Strategy, Transformation, Regulatory and Technology branch.
RSP’s such as Activ8me are hopeful that this restructure will bring renewed energy and insights to the nbn® as it continues to grow and enter it’s next phase of operations. With the rollout plan now in it’s “home run”, millions of Australian homes can now connect to the network with more areas going live everyday.

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