
NBN launch new NBN Regional web page

December 20, 2017 12:55 pm

The National Broadband Network (nbn) have today launched a new web page directed towards those in regional, remote and rural areas of Australia.
While those in metro areas are more likely to be connected to a form of fixed line internet (HFC, FTTN, FTTP etc), those further away from major cities are largely connected through either the Fixed Wireless technology or the Sky Muster satellite. Each technology has different limitations and features, especially the Sky Muster service which requires a dish installation on your home. Fixed Wireless is distributed by towers in higher-density areas, but require a line of sight to the tower for a signal to be received.
The new page,, provides a summary of each technology and answers commonly asked questions and concerns of those in regional areas.
The questions answered are around the disconnection of phone services for FW and Satellite, what happens in the case of a power outage,how the installation service works, and how to list your address if it isn’t currently in NBN’s system.
Activ8me, regional internet specialists, are expert at getting even the most remote property connected to the NBN quickly and easily. Our sales team will help locate your address by GPS coordinates if no other address is registered, and will work with the NBN to get your home address connected.
NBN co has also launched an initiative called NBN Local, with representatives around Australia working to educate every Australian about what the NBN means for them and providing information on how to access it.
The BIRRR Facebook group (Better Internet for Regional Rural and Remote Australians) has held many discussions with the NBN where they have requested such a resource, and many Australians have begun visiting the page and learning more about their connections.
If you need to connect to the NBN, give Activ8me, Australia’s #1 Satellite Internet provider a call on 13 22 88

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