
NBN introduces FTTC and upgrades as they hit the halfway mark

September 8, 2017 10:27 am

With the National Broadband Network (nbn®) hitting the halfway mark, the company are already planning upgrades to future-proof their architecture.
In June, the nbn® hit a total of 5.7 million premises able to be connected, with the company beating its own projections by deploying 300,000+ extra premises ahead of schedule. To support the performance of active premises, the nbn® has plans to upgrade its technology in the near future.
Projections by the nbn® state that Fibre to the Node (FTTN) will make up 30-40% of the total network rollout. FTTN utilises a cabinet (positioned near street intersections) to connect homes via existing copper wires.
In deploying the network across Australia, the company has used a mixed technology approach of fibre, copper, wireless and satellite to service residents and businesses. According to the nbn®, a mixed technology rollout enables them to build upgrades over existing technology as well as perform network optimisation.

“We’re already starting that to some degree. Next year we’ll introduce fibre to the curb (known as FTTC) as the next evolution of technology. Again it has an upgrade path that will meet the needs of Australians into the future,”
-NBN Co’s chief network engineer officer Peter Ryan, quoted by

The nbn® continues to benefit from the multiple technology platform as the network connects a total of 80,000 residences and premises per week, each able to call an RSP such as Activ8me to get online.

“We’re only able to achieve that sort of pace because of the multi technology approach.”

With the array of different technologies making their way across the diverse land of Australia, the nbn has begun to set their sights further ahead.
Network optimisation and future technology upgrades are underway to maintain the network the nbn® set out to build, and the company is beginning to shift towards a maintenance status.

“We have learned a lot during the first half of the rollout. Everything we’ve learned we will now bring to bear to help the second half.”
-Mr Ryan .

Fast nbn® broadband internet provides countless benefits for Australians, and as time moves on these technologies are only getting better.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to whichever form of the nbn® is right for you.
To find out more visit or speak to our Australian based sales and support team on 13 22 88.

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