
NBN: Groundwork for NBN Installation Worth Disruption

February 8, 2017 10:22 am

Westgarth Vic street
The National Broadband Network (nbn®) is proceeding to its next major build phase across the cities of Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast and Hobart.
As reported by the The Australian, the major build will bring slight disruption for those in the areas as construction commences, but the nbn assures the inconvenience will be worth it.
By the time June arrives the network is expected to have been established in 5.4 million homes and business, making the rollout almost half complete. At the end of the 2016 financial year the nbn® had reached 2.9 million premises.
nbn® CEO Bill Morrow said that with these moves underway, the number of people able to connect will increase as the rollout approaches its end.
Until now, the majority of the installations done by the nbn® were in regional and rural areas, but now the company has decided to shift focus and start constructing in metropolitan areas.

“We have developed strong foundations, processes and systems, and this year we will be opening up the NBN network to new regions, including many metro areas for the first time. The intensified deployment will present challenges but the NBN team, along with our partners and retailers, is focused on a positive experience for customers and end users as we accelerate the build and connection rates to new records,”

-nbn® CEO Bill Morrow

Morrow is aware that the work in cities will pose new problems and bring temporary inconveniences, but reiterated that the project will be worth it. Once completed, the nbn®  can provide quicker and more flexible connection, which means fast  nbn® broadband plans will be available for residents and businesses.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®. To check availability, go to our website and enter your address in the “Get Deals” section or speak to our Australian support team on 13 22 88.

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