
NBN educating Australian's about network speeds

July 21, 2017 5:07 pm

Since the National Broadband Network (nbn®) project was first introduced to Australia, there has been a host of misconceptions and an emerging information gap between the nbn® and the customers it hopes to connect.
A recent study conducted by iSelect found that over six million household decision makers don’t believe they are equipped with the necessary information about the nbn® and how exactly they can make the transition from old technology to new.

“After a household is notified that it can switch to the NBN, they have 18 months to move their services to the new network before the existing network is switched off,”

-nbn® spokeswoman Laura Crowde, quoted by

40% of respondents already connected to the nbn® were also unsure of which internet speed they were subscribed to, despite the nbn® and its Retail Service Providers (RSP’s) offering a variety of nbn plans.
Ms Crowden has outlined two speed tiers designed to suit most Australian households: the 25mbps and 50mbps options. These speeds serve as an ‘up to’ maximum speed able to be achieved, whereas the slower 12mbps option does not provide a significant difference compared to a quality ADSL service.
WhistleOut’s spokesman, Joseph Hanlon, has chalked up the large amount of complaints about the nbn to rife misinformation about speed capacity. There are many factors that impact overall speeds end users experience, including the home’s distance from an nbn® node , their router, and the age of the equipment they use.

“Your experience, including the speeds actually achieved over the NBN network, is determined by your service provider and the plan you choose, and depends on the technology over which services are delivered to your premises and some factors outside our control like equipment quality and software,”

-nbn®‘s Craig Jost

With the nbn® construction in full swing and eyeing a 2020 rollout completion, the nbn® is intensifying its information drive to better inform  Australians, with ISP’s like Activ8me working to educate their customers on the realities and technicalities of the nbn®.
If you’re an Activ8me customer and want to switch to 25mbps or higher speed, you can call us on 13 22 88 or visit your account details on

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