
NBN Completes G.Fast Trials

November 5, 2015 9:33 pm

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Australia’s nbn have completed its G.Fast trials, this according to Telcom network vendor Alcatel-Lucent.
The first G.Fast trial was conducted using Alcatel-Lucent equipment in an office building located in Melbourne by the Chief Architect of the nbn, Tony Cross along with his team. They achieved speeds of 600Mbps on CAT-3 cabling which was around 20 years old.
In another set of trials at its National Test Facility in Melbourne, nbn recorded the G.Fast to have achieved speeds of 970Mbps on 20-metre copper lengths.
With the G.Fast trials reaching completion, the nbn aims to give eight million premises access to ultra-fast broadband speeds, with at least 25Mbps download and at least 50Mbps to approximately 90% of premises with fixed line access by 2020.
Broadband for all
One of the biggest benefits of the G.Fast technology is its flexibility. It makes it possible to deploy fibre-based access to residents in remote areas that might otherwise be difficult for broadband to reach.
G.Fast eliminates the need for rewiring premises – a part of FTTH deployment which is costly and time-consuming.
Alcatel-Lucent supports the nbn in the deployment of its VDSL2 Vectoring and its GPON ultra-broadband technologies.
Using the 7368 ISAM (Intelligent Service Access Manager) ONTs (Optical Network Terminals), 7368 ISAM CPE with integrated reverse power and 5520 Access Management System, Alcatel-Lucent’s G.Fast technology accelerates last mile FTTH (fibre to the home) ultra broadband connectivity.
Service providers are able to increase transmission speeds over traditional copper phone lines also through G.Fast technology.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect and make the most nbn®. To check availability, go to our homepage then type your address in the “Get Deals” section or call us directly on 13 22 88.

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