
The NBN is coming: find out if your neighbourhood is next

January 21, 2015 9:30 pm

nbn coNBN Co announced that as early as next month, high speed Internet will become available to homes in west Sydney.
Green cable is being laid out across Sydney as part of the network’s goal of connecting every property in the country – metro, regional, and remote Australia.
By mid next year, work will be well underway to hook another 200,000 properties in New South Wales.
NBN Co also assures that everyone will get the NBN and that it is just going to take a little bit of time to get there.
Browse through the list below to find out if your neighbourhood is included in the latest Sydney suburb rollouts set for the coming 18 months.

Ongoing NBN rollout in:

  1. Arndell Park
  2. Auburn
  3. Berala
  4. Blacktown
  5. Box Hill
  6. Bradbury
  7. Cambridge Gardens
  8. Cambridge Park
  9. Campbelltown
  10. Campsie
  11. Canterbury
  12. Cranebrook
  13. Doonside
  14. Eastern Creek
  15. Kings Park
  16. Kingswood
  17. Lalor Park
  18. Leumeah
  19. Lidcombe
  20. Liverpool
  21. Lurnea
  22. Marayong
  23. Marsden Park
  24. Mount Pritchard
  25. Oakville
  26. Penrith
  27. Prospect
  28. Riverstone
  29. Schofields
  30. Strathfield
  31. Vineyard
  32. Warwich Farm
  33. Werrington Downs
  34. Woordcroft
Rollout scheduled to begin in the next 18 months in:

  1. Appin
  2. Avalon Beach
  3. Berowra
  4. Blackheath
  5. Blacktown
  6. Campbelltown
  7. Campsie
  8. Elderslie
  9. Homebush
  10. Katoomba
  11. Kellyville
  12. Liverpool
  13. Mulgoa
  14. Narellan
  15. Penrith
  16. Richmond
  17. Rouse Hill
  18. Tahmoor
  19. The Oaks

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