
NBN Broadband– coming soon to Dungog Shire villages

November 17, 2014 9:50 pm

nbn coNBN Co has begun consulting with local communities in regional NSW about the construction of new fixed wireless facilities, which means local areas, including parts of Dungog Shire, will soon get access to fast broadband.
In Dungog Shire alone, it is possible that the localities of Gresford, Martins Creek, and Paterson are next to receive the service – this according to Ivan Skaines, Dungog Council’s Economic Development, Tourism, and Events Coordinator.
The NBN rollout continues to gain momentum in regional NSW, with many economic and social opportunities for the communities along with it.
NBN Spokesperson Tony Gibbs said local residents will soon have fast broadband, thereby giving them better access to e-health services, distance education, and entertainment on demand. Businesses will also enjoy increased productivity rates, reduced costs, and new market generation.
With wholesale download speeds of up to 25 megabits per second, and upload speeds of five megabits per second to telephone and Internet providers, NBN’s fixed wireless service has loads of benefits to offer to its recipients.

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