
NBN arrives in CityVillage

November 18, 2014 9:35 pm

nbn cityvillage
Residents of CityVillage, Robina’s modern urban community, are among the first on the Gold Coast to connect to the National
Broadband Network (NBN) and gain access to high-speed Internet. It is one of three communities South of Southport to have
NBN Co Fibre that provides broadband speeds of up to 100mb, which residents can acquire through 22 service providers.
“It doesn’t just mean higher speeds, but also a more reliable service. This is the future of Internet access in Australia, and for
residents of CityVillage to be among the first on the Gold Coast to connect to the NBN is a huge advantage,” Jon Grahame,
NBN Co Queensland Regional Manager of New Developments said.
Tony Tippett, Robina Group Director, said that as a contemporary community, CityVillage is able to respond to the changing
trends and demands in the market. He said their designs undergo constant evolving in order to provide more innovative
solutions to their residents.
The addition and availability of the NBN broadband in the community add more backing to his statement that CityVillage is at the
absolute forefront of next generation living.

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