
Mount Anna on queue as NBN roll-out carries on

December 14, 2014 9:28 pm

nbn wirelessA National Broadband Network Company spokesperson said that it will take a lot of time to bring Macarthur’s packets of patchy internet up to global standards.
Residents of Mount Annan, who wrote to the Advertiser regarding their suburb’s slow internet speed, are still waiting for NBN Co to do something about it.
Emma Harris, Mt. Annan resident, said that the company needs to take action and address the issues in the area. According to her, the lack of ports continue to prevent them from getting NBN or ADSL.
She said houses without high speed internet continued to be built in the area.
Darren Rudd , NBN Co spokesman, stated that the roll-out is dependent on a complicated set of engineering mandatories, and the call for planning the build from the large exchanges to lessen the expenses.
He said that they all need setting up in a specific progression that does not have a waiting list or prioritised locations, and that it truly is a technical engineering consideration.
He also stated that there is an urgency in upgrading the infrastructure all over the country in order to level out the available infrastructure and to close the gap between them.
Another “greenfields” roll-out, like that in Spring Farm, sought the assistance of builders who are constructing new housing developments, to incorporate the NBN into the sites.
‘‘We connect them to the normal network using a temporary small exchange and then when we go through with our roll-out in those areas we essentially take those switches down and integrate them into the standard network,’’ Rudd said.
Upon completion, the NBN will be accessible to Macarthur properties, either via fixed line, NBN wireless broadband, or satellite technology.
He said that the houses getting which technology have not yet been finalised but on average, each local government boundary shall receive a combination of technologies depending on certain factors that need to be considered, including property density.
He stated that the network has enough capacity to support Macarthur’s expected housing growth.
Furthermore, Rudd said that he is not worried about a potential loss of data speed  by using the “really old copper network” of the country in delivering fibre to the node broadband.
Rudd said that these are world-class proven technologies, and that British Telecom and other big global companies use it around the world.
‘‘As we go through the installation we are going to look at the status of the copper and we are going to bring the exchange right up to the street so that means we can push more data through.’’
However, Dr. Ante Prodan, University of Western Sydney’s director of e-learning, remains skeptical.
He said that right now, copper is able to carry enough data for an average family, but this may not be the case in the future as limits can still be seen due to copper’s physical restraints.
He stated that the complete installation of the fibre to the premises network had no disadvantage aside from the higher amount needed to dig to each property.
He mentioned that fibre to the premises has unlimited capacity and that it is much more dependable and cheaper to maintain.
The truth is that fibre is much more dependable and has lower preservation charge.
The approximated “ready for service” dates are December 2014 and February 2015 for Kirkham Rise and Spring Farm, respectively.
Article originally posted as: Mount Annan waits as NBN roll-out continues

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