
Activ8me maintenance team travel to remote Indigenous communites

March 6, 2014 6:47 pm

Helen Charlie Jungalina

In the coming weeks, Activ8me maintenance teams will be travelling to remote Indigenous communities throughout Australia as part of the Indigenous Communications Program (ICP).
The program successfully empowered 300 remote Indigenous communities through the introduction of new, reliable and easy to use telephone services.  The phones provides free calls to all Australian fixed numbers.  The telephone services are now being enhanced to provide Wi-Fi hotspots in order to deliver ever more empowerment and value.
The teams have started their work, and the initial phase will be completed by the end of April, upon the completion of inspection and routine maintenance work on the phone units. These maintenance trips are an integral part of Activ8me’s efforts to ensure that those living in remote Indigenous communities have access to the best possible type of phone and internet services.
“The purpose of the trip is to ensure our facilities are running at their capacity and to provide maintenance work if necessary” said Activ8me principal executive Sandro Di Donato. “We also get the opportunity to interact with members of the different communities, and experience their culture firsthand.”
The project activity period commenced in March 2009 and was completed in November 2013. The project comprises the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of 301 stand-alone ICP public phones.
We will be providing another update upon the teams’ return, so stayed tuned to hear the latest in APN’s efforts to provide the best telecommunication services possible to all Australians.

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