
The lowdown on landline phones and why they remain important

January 8, 2015 9:13 pm

landlineThe number of homes with existing (and functional) landline telephones continues to decrease as more and more people are making the switch towards complete wireless communication. A fixed line phone as opposed to mobile phones, rely on metal wire lines for transmission – something that is considered archaic these days.
The decline of the landline phone is also attributed to old copper wire networking which, in the coming years, is set to be replaced by broadband and fibre optic connection. The availability of NBN phone line plans across urban and rural Australia serve as proof of further advancement of mobile network technology in the country.
Nevertheless, the landline phone has proven its worth over the years, especially during storms where there are power outages and cell phone signal interruption. Because fixed lines do not rely on electricity and radio waves, but underground copper wire, they are the most dependable means of communication when everything else is down.
There are still many places where wireless service can be unreliable and signals constantly fluctuate – these parts consider the landline to be their LIFELINE and the way to keep and to stay connected. Others also retain their landline phones because it remains the same despite the number of years it has existed. No matter how many times people change their mobile phone numbers, their landline numbers at home remain the same.

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