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Understand Your Bill

January 30, 2019 12:51 pm


We’ve made this document to help you better understand your bill. The bill we are using to demonstrate has an nbn satellite internet connection and phone line. Your bill may look a little different, but the general structure is always the same.

Payment options

When it comes to paying your bill, you can use either direct debit from a nominated bank account or credit card. See the Update Payment Details tutorial on how to change or set up a new payment method.

Billing Options

We will send your monthly bill to the email address you have provided at no charge.

If you would like to receive your monthly bill via physical mail to your postal address, please contact our customer service staff on 13 22 88 to request this option.
Note: this will incur a $2.00 charge per bill.

Billing Period

Your billing period begins when your service is activated.
From this date, you will be billed on a monthly basis until your contract ends or you cancel your service. The billing period dates are stated on each bill.

Understand your bill

Your bill is broken up into easy to understand sections. For each of your Activ8me services (Internet or phone), we’ll show a brief summary and a detailed breakdown of usage for the month.

Details summary

In the first part of this bill, we list the details you can use to contact us, including our trading name and ABN, main office location, and the number to call should you have any billing enquiries.

We also list your customer number (which you can use to access online services), a unique invoice number, and the date the invoice was created. All this information is essential if you call customer service with billing questions, as it will let us help you much faster.

Bill summary

Immediately after the details section, you’ll see a summary showing how muchis due to be paid for this bill.
“Total Due” shows the amount due for this bill and when to pay by.
“Account Activity” shows how we arrived at the total. It sums up your total service and usage costs, any other charges or credits, and any payments you may have already made, to come to your final amount.
Lastly, we have a monthly comparison chart that to your total cost compared to the previous two months bills.

Service summary

The “Service and Usage” summary outlines the cost for your Internet and phone services, and how they each contribute to the total.

First, there’s a quick look at your internet plan and the total billable for the month. This includes the plan you have and it’s total cost. A more detailed summary can be found later in the bill

Next is a brief outline of your phone usage. We’ll list your bundle, a summary of your phone line usage, and the total cost of your phone service. A more detailed summary can be found later in the bill.

Charges and credits

The ‘other charges” summary shows any charges or credits applied to this bill. This would include any hardware and setup costs as additional charges and any credits we have made, such as rebates, discounts or refunds.

The total sum here, whether in credit or debit, will be added to your bill cost to form the total amount for this bill.


Here we will list any payments you have made for this billing period. Payments appear as credits and will affect the end total for your bill.

Phone line usage

The period summary breaks down your total usage cost for the month into summaries for different call types. For each type (such as Local or International), it lists call quantity, duration and total dollar amount.

For each call, there’ll be a summary showing when the call was made, the duration of the call and the total charge for it. If you’ve made any calls that have been costly, this is handy to identify them.

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