
Internet Connectivity Changing Small Businesses

April 18, 2017 3:56 pm

Millennials are known best for using technology to make existing processes more efficient. With increased internet connectivity in Australia, millennial businesses and startups are taking advantage.
Take former IT workers Ben Shaw and Constance Bernard for instance. The duo decided to take a leap of faith and launched a new venture offering less working hours and allowing for remote management. They started Soap Bar launderettes, an automated business not dependent on round the clock labour, only needing weekly maintenance. The business has no need for an on-site attendant as it can be opened and closed by automatic locking systems.

“Having a high speed fibre connection gives us the ability to have multiple customers connected with bandwidth hungry applications, and still have fast access to our cameras, reports, music and washer management console
The vast majority of problems reported can be resolved remotely thanks to fibre. A customer with an emergency won’t have to wait long for us to remotely stop a machine, when a phone or wedding ring is left in a pocket. In our four years running we haven’t experienced any internet downtime, but we did a lot of research and chose a reliable internet service provider, with excellent customer service.”

Ben Shaw via The Huffington Post Australia

The increasing connectivity around Australia is giving way for businesses to embrace innovation and automation. New research conducted by Western Sydney University explored the National Broadband Network’s (nbn®) fully connecting Australia and how it will impact how future generations structure business.
Lead researcher of Gen nbn®: 2020 and Beyond report Liam Magee explained to The Huffington Post Australia that the nbn® “will be instrumental in building a stronger national economy.”

“The completion of the nbn® network will see Australia become the world’s most connected continent in terms of broadband access, affordability and speed tiers. Our research shows this will help to build a stronger national economy. 

Liam Magee via The Huffington Post Australia

Moreover, the report revealed that the increase in connectivity is seen as equally valuable to natural resources and industrial manufacturing. This is because digital services, powered by the nbn®, are predicted to help Australia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) jump around two per cent every year by 2020.
As for Constance Bernard on the Soap Bar service, the beauty of being connected is that she can choose her working hours:

“For us, being able to spend more time with our 20-month old daughter Rori is priority number one. A lot can be handled from home, but when we do venture in one of us might take her to work, where she’s always a hit. We can take our time over breakfast and move at our own pace. Keeping a clean and unique approach to this type of business requires constant upgrades, maintenance and customer service. Although we’re not rich, and probably never will be, having this freedom at this time in our lives is priceless.”

Businesses connectivity is also being addressed by the nbn®. With business grade nbn fibre plans available in Australia, expect more businesses to embrace innovation.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians.  Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®. To check availability, go to or speak to our Australian staff on 13 22 88.

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