
Growth of Internet Marketplaces Affecting Future Careers and Recruitment

February 16, 2017 9:15 am

The Internet has changed the world in more ways than we can imagine, affecting many aspects of our lives. One area of society revolutionised by the transition to the internet is the avenues used for careers – acquirement and development of.
According to Business Review Australia, the rise of the World Wide Web has globalised everything – including finding a job. The internet provides access to job information and applications regardless of location, be it in another state or even another countries.
Websites like TripAdvisor and Yelp help users identify which restaurants or hotels are the most popular in certain areas, while eBay and Amazon have revolutionised shopping, making it easier and more accessible.
Transport has also been transformed. A taxi or Uber service can be booked in a few taps, public transport can be tracked live and the shortest route from point A to B is easily seen in Google Maps.
Previously, big businesses had a monopoly on large pools of talented workers, and getting ahead in an industry was all about who you knew. The internet provides a medium for everyone to connect, especially through career sites such as LinkedIn and online industry organisations.
Sources have noted that the norm today is professional service companies operating in an open and global marketplace.
With the growth of Internet Marketplaces affecting future careers and recruitment, it’s important for regional and rural businesses to have a fast and stable connection, which can be accessed through the satellite Internet platform known as Sky Muster®. This allows all Australians to be on an even playing field regardless of location, an important step in creating opportunities.
The career marketplace is open more than ever and the key to the door is at the palm of our hands through communication devices such as desktops, laptops and mobile.
Fast nbn® broadband Internet provides countless benefits for Australians. The availability of nbn®  internet allows Australian businesses to go global by way of marketing and having an online presence in the rich internet marketplaces.
Activ8me can provide you with the right advice to connect you to the nbn®. To check availability, go to and enter your address or speak to our Australian sales team on 13 22 88.

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