
Innovation Generation 2017 focusing on the digital

July 10, 2017 10:58 am

innovation generation
Young grain growers are mixing their industry knowledge with their knowledge of media and technology, with a new conference giving them an opportunity to showcase their stories. The Innovation Generation conference was recently held in Adelaide,  and gave a platform for a new generation of agricultural workers as they learned the ins-and-outs of using social media for promotion.ster.
Organised by GrainGrowers, IG is a premier event for young participants, with all attendees under 35 years old and working as part of the grain sector in Australia. This event also had the support of Fairfax Agricultural Media operating as an official media partner.
During the event, the participants are learned in depth information about the impacts of digital technology issues concerning them. The topics ranged from the existing practical applications to the potential future impacts of technology on the industry and how it can assist young workers.
An estimated 150 attendees from all over Australia were expected at the event according to GrainGrowers’ general manager of industry development Michael Southan.
Southan explained that the event’s itinerary was based around the evolving landscape of the grains sector.

“The advent of the digital age – and particularly social media – provides tremendous opportunities for Australian farmers and the greater agricultural sector to connect with distant markets and customers and tell a positive story, but also poses challenges in regions where connectivity is an issue.
 Innovation Generation 2017 will explore how as a collective, Australian farmers – and grain growers in particular – can best take advantage of this virtual world.”

Dr. Southan, as quoted by the North Queensland Register.

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