
NBN Fixed Wireless Rollout Reaches 500,000

July 3, 2017 1:06 pm

The National Broadband Network (nbn®) has recently announced that over 500,000 households are able to access to fixed wireless services, as reported by Computerworld.
The numbers released by the nbn show that the planned rollout of fixed wireless technology has already reached 80% of its final goal, with over a half a million addresses currently able to connect. Currently, only 175,000 have taken advantage of this connection, with others positioning themselves as late technology adopters, or simply not aware that their previous internet connections will be turned off in the future.
Data released by the nbn® showed there were a total of 4.6 million premises now eligible to apply for a service, but only half have active connections – this is a driving force in nbn’s upcoming efforts to educate Australians on the nbn and it’s speeds, and provide a basic information kit to all.
Currently, the nbn® is offering wholesale speeds of up to 50 megabits per second on fixed wireless, with plans of launching a 100Mbps service in 2018.
Last month, the nbn released a commissioned report from analyst firm Ovum regarding their progress in connecting areas to their high-speed services.

“nbn®’s commitment to delivering universal broadband has far exceeded other markets, many times higher than the per household investment in infrastructure and subsidies than seen in European peers like France and the UK.
 This will benefit regional communities and contribute to the development of Australia’s digital economy and competitiveness,”

The nbn have so far reached the 80% mark of their Australia-wide rollout map, with millions of Australians now eligible to connect to one of the nbn’s technology types, including Fixed Wireless, through a retail service provider. Activ8me continue to offer some of the most competitive nbn plans over all technologies, and specialise in connecting Australian’s in rural and regional areas – to find out when your address is scheduled to connect, call us on 13 22 88 or visit

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