
Faster NBN rollout set for Gympie

November 6, 2014 11:29 pm

Warren Truss, Deputy Prime Minister and Federal Member for Wide Bay, announced the inclusion of Gympie in the limited areas in Australia set to undergo the technology trial that aim to speed up the NBN rollout process.
“Gympie has been chosen as part of NBN Co’s trial to roll out new vectored VDSL technology using fibre to the node connections,” Mr Truss said.

nbn fibre

Banks Pocket, East Deep Creek, Glanmire, Jones Hill,  Monkland, Mothar Mountain, Pie Creek, Southside, Two Mile, and Victory Heights are the suburbs included in the list of initial rollout areas.
Existing subscribers of the NBN’s FTTN network have reported average download speeds of 90mbps, and 36mbps upload speeds. According to Mr. Truss, this is a good indication of the scale of the upgrades being delivered to Gympie.
“As a point of comparison, the improved bandwidth available through these upgrades will be enough to allow a single premises to stream more than 15 high definition video streams at once,” Mr Truss said.
Residents of Gympie can expect workers planning the rollout and beginning construction work on the fibre-to-the-node network along their streets.
The Deputy Prime Minister said it is part of the government’s NBN plans to prioritise areas that are currently receiving underperforming broadband connections, as promised in the 2013 elections. This has led to an unprecedented upgrade in activity across Wide Bay to give residents and business owners in the area access to faster broadband by 2015.
Areas that are included in the rollouts may be viewed at

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