
Extra School Holiday Peak Data for Satellite Internet

April 7, 2022 9:27 am

Free nbn® Sky Muster® Bonus School Holiday Data

Receive 5GB Additional Peak Data each week of the 2022 School Holidays!

Did you know that every Activ8me nbn® Sky Muster® satellite service receives 5GB worth of additional peak data every week over the school holiday period?

This additional bonus data is allocated automatically, to every Activ8me Sky Muster® satellite service, in daily allotments (of just over 714MB).

When will the data blocks be available?

Bonus School Holiday data blocks for the 2022 School Holidays will be allocated as follows:

2022 School Holiday Period Bonus Data Start Date Bonus Data End Date Total Bonus Peak Data
Term 1 School HolidaysMonday, 11th April 2022Sunday, 1st May 202215GB
(3 weeks)
Term 2 School HolidaysMonday, 27th June 2022Sunday, 17th July 202215GB
(3 weeks)
Term 3 School HolidaysMonday, 19th September 2022Sunday, 9th October 202215GB
(3 weeks)
Term 4 School Holidays (Christmas 2022)Monday, 12th December 2022Sunday, 5th February 202340GB
(8 weeks)

To make the allocation equal nationwide, this bonus data runs nationally, meaning it may not match up exactly with your state or territory’s school holiday calendar.

When will the data be added to my account?

The data will be automatically applied each day during the dates listed above in equal daily allocations of approx. 714MB allotments.

When will the data expire?

The peak data does not expire at the end of each day. Any unused data will roll-over daily and bank up until your billing month ends. When your new billing month begins, you will no longer have access to the daily data previously added to your account. If you are unsure what date your new billing month begins, you can find it in the Member’s Area or on one of your previous invoices.

Not an Activ8me customer?

To take advantage of the bonus Activ8me School Holiday Data, just transfer your nbn® Sky Muster® satellite service across to Activ8me, and as an Activ8me customer you receive your first day’s allotment of bonus data on your first day with us!

Once you are activated with Activ8me, the 5GB School Holiday Bonus data is automatically applied to your account in daily allotments.

You can search your address below to sign up online or see our nbn® Sky Muster® satellite plans here!

Please Provide a Valid Address

It is that easy!

Please note, unfortunately nbn® Sky Muster® Plus satellite internet services do not receive this additional bonus data.

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