
Australia's Digital Transformation Chief Reflects on digital movement in Australia

January 13, 2017 6:04 pm

Paul Shelter, one of the leading transformers of Australia’s digital movement, has recently shared his reflection about the various things he learned and achieved.
As CEO of the Digital Transformation Office and the Chief Digital Officer of the government’s Digital Transformation Agency, it’s not a surprise Mr Shelter led the way.
When he first started leading the DTO, he said that the aims were simple — “making it easier to book an appointment for your newborn baby’s immunisations […] easier for businesses to import goods that need a permit.”
He also lamented that he and his team had his share of criticisms, particularly the choice of problems that they chose to resolve. But Mr Joyce reiterated that his aim was to find a problem that “could be clearly defined, and leadership that was willing to work with us collaboratively.”
Mr Shelter has released a myriad of platforms with the goal of making the lives of Australians easier — one is the Digital Marketplace, which transformed government ICT procurement.
In addition, the DTO also created a Performance Dashboard letting citizens see how well government services are functioning and most importantly, a prototype of GOV.AU – Australia’s single website for its government.
All of DTO’s, and Mr Shelter’s achievements, are simply staggering considering they’re just a small agency. A small agency that managed to solve one of the many ailing problems that hinder Australia’s digital transformation.
In his reflection piece Shelter thanked all the people he worked with, particularly the many talents, teams and government departments that helped in leading the charge for Australia’s digital transformation from the key Australian cities to the regional and rural areas. With like-minded groups working together that consists of startups, non-profit organisations and innovators that operate within the National Broadband Network’s (nbn®) goal of a fully connected Australia. Internet access is key to the digital transformation of Australia. With technologies such as the nbn satellite known as Sky Muster®, the digitalisation of regional and rural Australia is starting to be realised.
With people like Paul Shelter, Australia is on its way to lead the way in the digital world.
For the full transcript of Paul Shelter’s reflection, click here.
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