
Connectivity Changing the Face of Education

May 16, 2017 12:54 pm


The days of one job for life seem to be long behind us, as the average person changes not only jobs, but careers, an average of 5 times in their life – and this looks set to grow.

McCrindle research claim that the newest generation to enter the workforce, are likely to average 6 career changes during their lifetime. A career change may mean a fresh start, but doesn’t have to mean starting from scratch in the way it once may have – new levels of connectivity and digital access to education are giving people opportunities to upskill and learn in ways they haven’t had access to in the past.
Your new career may require further education or a degree in order to secure a position.
This no longer means uprooting your life to join full time study at an institution, with a small amount of contact hours and a lack of routine. Instead, many universities and organisations offer online access to diplomas and degrees, recognised in industries and workplaces. This offers not only the flexibility to study at your own pace (by potentially doing a part time course while continuing work), but usually online courses have the same access to support services as on-campus certifications. It’s essential, as with any other investment, that you do research to ensure the institution you want to study with is legitimate and has positive reviews from current and past students.
Studying online is no longer just readings and quizzes, with video sessions and contact time as well as access to a wealth of other resources easily downloaded or streamed with a fast internet connection.

The nbn® and Australia-wide access to fast internet is also changing how on-campus courses are run. Many universities are doing away with hard copy submissions, instead using sites such as TurnItIn to collate student work, and most institutions have begun recording and uploading lectures for students to download, making attending lectures less focussed on furiously taking notes, and revising for them more like listening to a podcast. These changes in how educational centres operate is in preparation for the day in the near future when each student and Australian has access to the nbn, allowing faster downloads and more reliable internet.
Those currently studying and struggling with their data usage or internet connection can check out our unlimited plans for $59.95 a month, or if you are in a rural or remote area, have a look at our newly upgraded Sky Muster plans. If you’re not sure what connection you’re on, visit us and we’ll help you connect!

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