
Coffs Harbour Transitioning to the NBN

February 4, 2015 9:19 pm

nbn coffs
Around 6,300 homes and businesses in Coffs Harbour will be the first to complete its first transition to the NBN. As part of the country’s fixed line infrastructure upgrade, this means existing copper wire networks will progressively be switched off.
As services over the NBN begin to become available, it is set to replace existing phone and Internet services starting the 20th of February in certain parts of Coffs Harbour.
This is the reason why NBN Co has encouraged home and business owners who have not made the switch to the NBN to place their orders for services on the network through their preferred ISPs to avoid the last minute rush.
NBN Co spokesperson Darren Rudd said homes, businesses, and communities across Cofffs Harbour will all soon have access to fast broadband, allowing all of them to benefit from an increasingly digital future.
However, the move is not automatic, he said.
Residents and business owners who wish to continue using their internet and landline phone services need to move these over to the National Broadband Network via NBN Fixed Wireless Providers. They could either make the switch, or stick with mobile solutions.
Those who are using special equipment such as EFTPOS terminals, security and medical alarms, and others that work under landline phone connections are urged to get in touch with their Phone Company and Internet Service Providers ASAP.

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